Jackson public buildings begin limited reopening May 26th
Teton County, Wyoming
May 26, 2020
Public buildings in Jackson, Wyoming will begin to reopen on a limited basis on Tuesday, May 26th. Social distancing measures will continue to be in place and people are still encouraged to use phone calls for questions and drop boxes for utility payments as much as possible to conduct their business. Some departments will be requiring appointments to meet with staff.
The Teton County Library is still on a more delayed schedule. They will begin their Phase 1 of reopening on May 30th with accepting returns of library material through the book drop. Returned items will be quarantined and sanitized. After a cautious two-week period of monitoring, they will begin Phase 2 with curbside pickup of library materials on Saturday, June 13th. No late fees will be assessed during this interim period. Phase 3 allowing in-person visits to the library depends on how Phase 1 and 2 go for COVID-19 statistics evaluation. In the meantime, the libraries have a lot of media resources available online.
Teton County is a gateway to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. The county has been more cautious than the rest of the state with their health orders and pacing of reopening, out of concerns to protect the health of their small mountain community and to not overload their limited medical resources from an onslaught of out-of-area visitors and influx of potential germs. Visitors are now being allowed in on a limited basis and the 14 day self-quarantine has been lifted. The National Parks, which bring in millions of visitors a year, are open basically for day-use only with no overnight lodging. Residents and visitors to Jackson Hole are still being asked to wear face masks while in public where social distancing is not possible. Gatherings of up to 25 people are now permitted, although residents are asked to still not visit friends or family without an urgent need. Local businesses are beginning to reopen with strict social distancing guidelines in place. The county has had 69 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and one death to date.
Click on the links below for more information.