Town of Marbleton asks residents to run water bleeders
March 9, 2021
This winter’s "No Dig" policy for the Town of Marbleton went into effect on November 15, 2020. This means there will be no digging allowed on Town property during the winter months while the ground is frozen. Please help prevent water lines from freezing. Marbleton residents on the Town waterline system are advised to run a bleeder in a sink or bathtub during the cold winter months to keep water running through the system. A bleeder should be a pencil-lead size stream of cold water. This can help prevent frozen pipes and bursts. Marbleton resident’s water bills are on a straight fee, not metered, so running the bleeder will not raise your water bill. The Town is not responsible for frozen service lines. If you have rental homes, please ensure that their water is running as well. For questions, call the Marbleton Town Hall at 307-276-3815. Do not run a bleeder if you are on a personal well water system that is apart from Town water.