Charity Fundraiser
The charity game raised
for MESA Therapeutic
Horsemanship. L to R:
Ashton Green (Sublette Co
Unified Fire), Carla
Sullivan and Synve Mitchell
(MESA), Travis Bingham
(Sublette Co Sheriff's
Office) Photo by SCSO.
Photo courtesy SCSO.
Battle of the Badges helps MESA
by Pinedale Online!
July 23, 2022
The 2022 Sublette County Battle of the Badges was held on Friday evening, July 22nd in Pinedale. This year’s battle featured softball between the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office/Wyoming Highway Patrol and Sublette County Emergency Management Services/Sublette County Unified Fire. The event was held at the new Dudley Key Sports Complex on the west end of Pinedale.
Proceeds are always donated to a local charity. This year’s beneficiary was MESA Therapeutic Horsemanship. MESA is a non-profit organization aimed at providing equine-related activities to individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities or who have emotional or behavioral challenges within Sublette County, Wyoming. Their activities promote self-esteem, confidence, physical independence and social interaction through horse-related activities. The philosophy of MESA is to establish an atmosphere of support, cooperation, respect, as well as an appreciation for individuals with disabling challenges. The letters in MESA stand for Mind, Energy, Spirit and Attitude. See the related links below for more information about their programs.
The Battle of the Badges was nearly over when a storm rolled in bringing rain and strong winds. A decision was made to call the contest for safety reasons. The game was 30-27 at the time. A generous donor contributed to end the game and call it a tie. The event raised $1400 for MESA.