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Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > SCSO requests public assistance in recent mail thefts
SCSO requests public assistance in recent mail thefts
At Green River Ranches Subdivision
by Sublette County Sheriff’s Office
July 25, 2024

The Sublette County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) is seeking the public's assistance in gathering evidence and information regarding recent mail thefts at the Green River Ranches subdivision.

Over the past weekend, from Friday, July 19th to Sunday, July 21st, numerous reports of missing mail and packages have been received. Items have been reported stolen or missing from multiple residents' mailboxes and a large parcel storage container.

If you are a resident of Green River Ranches and have experienced missing items, please report them to the US Post Office in Pinedale at 367-2650. Additionally, notify any financial institutions you are affiliated with and vendors you have pending orders from that have not arrived safely.

If you have observed any suspicious activity near the mailbox bank or seen any non-post office personnel handling packages, please contact the SCSO or email us at

Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > SCSO requests public assistance in recent mail thefts

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